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Python command line tool to clone all public repos and gists from a single github account, and populate empty new repos with a set of templated default files.

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Python command line tool to clone all public repos and gists from a single github account, and populate empty new repos with a set of templated common default files.


Developed for Python 2.7x work, though it may work for other distributions.

To install, run python build install


The file installs three command line scripts into your python scripts directory.

Files generated for empty repos:

When an empty repo is cloned using either the clonerepos or cloneall script, the directory is automatically populated with a set of templated default files. These include:

Additionally, for empty projects with the word "python" in the description:

These files can be templated with repo-specifc information (or however else you'd like) using the methods in github_clonetools/ Individual default files can be added/removed to the script behavior by editing the method write_default_files in github_clonetools/

This behavior can be tested using any empty repo. I use for this purpose.


To clone all of github user thearn's public gists and repos into the current directory:

$ cloneall thearn

To clone all github user thearn's public gists and repos into the separate thearn_repos and thearn_gists directories:

$ cloneall thearn thearn_repos thearn_gists

To clone all of github user thearn's public repos into a directory named thearn_repos:

$ clonerepos thearn thearn_repos

To clone all of github user thearn's public gists into a directory named thearn_gists:

$ clonegists thearn thearn_gists